"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?" John 6:9
Imagine yourself as that young boy in the crowd of more than five thousand people. The word gets out the leaders (apostles) are trying to see how much food is available in the crowd. You say to yourself "I don't have much. I only have five loaves of bread and two fish. Plenty for my family but definitely not enough for all these people." You don't know how it can make a difference but you offer the small amount of food to the apostles anyway.
Then, you watched as the man, Jesus, blessed your offering. Somehow, someway your tiny little insignificant gift was multiplied and fed every single person in the crowd. There was even an abundance left over. You saw first hand what God could do with so little. You'll never doubt the insignificance of your gifts again.
It may seem like the little we have can't possibly make a difference. But when our offering comes from the heart (whether big or small), God blesses it and multiplies. It's important to note that in this story the boy wasn't called to feed the people. He was called to give and God fed the people.
Encouragement for the week: What God does with our gifts, tithes and offerings is greater than the gifts themselves. Never underestimate how far your gift will go. Give and let God use it to bless in the way only He can.