Then one day as I was facing my own battles (of control) I had a conversation with God about needing to surrender my will to His. It was then I realized just how hard surrendering can be. I find it particularly hard to let go especially when I’m unclear on what God’s will is. What if I don’t like the direction God wants to lead me? Do I really trust Him not to let me down? It sounds crazy to say but haven’t we all felt that way (even if we don’t verbalize it)? We’d rather be in control of our chaos than to surrender to the One who can make order out of it.
Yes – depending on the situation surrender can be a sign of weakness. For example, surrendering to the will of the “evil one” is actually pretty easy to do. But surrendering to God takes an incredible amount of strength, faith and courage. What it ultimately means is that we place God first and put ourselves squarely under his authority. This is not to say He wants us to lose our individuality, our creative thinking or our individual drive. He created us with unique gifts and wants us to continue to grow in them. But there are times when our will comes into conflict with His. These are the times when surrendering becomes toughest. Surrendering to God means we finally understand we’re the creation and not the creator.
The song goes on to say “I don’t need to be the hero tonight.” Maybe there is a part in all of us that feels like we have to be the hero (whether it’s because we want the glory or because we’re afraid that if we don’t, nobody else will). I think it’s easy to let God take the hero role with the overall picture of life. But, the reality is the big picture is made up of everyday scenes where I’m trying to play the lead. Yes – surrendering to God is stronger. Not only is it harder to do, but it also makes us stronger by doing it.